Cessnas to Oshkosh Training at Safety in Motion
The Washington Cessnas 2 Oshkosh (C2O) training took place at Safety In Motion Flight Center in Olympia this month. The C2O training clinic period starts in May and ends in June, two weeks prior to the Cessnas 2 Oshkosh gathering in Juneau, Alaska on July 21st. The clinic in Olympia included a total of ten (10) pilots who participated in different roles. Seven (7) pilots completed the training requirement to fly the mass arrival. Another two (2) pilots acted as dedicated safety pilots. Kudos to Host and Lead Pilot Frank Hummel for his leadership and hard work, and to those who volunteered as safety pilots.
From Frank Hummel, regarding the training:
“I had the best seat in the house, from the tail aircraft as safety pilot, for all our flights. With the closer spacing, all was clearly visible to me from take-off to landing. It is just flat-out remarkable to watch the progress of each pilot. On that third flight, you all were tight. Take-off timing remained correct, quickly closed into position and maintained it, element-to-element distance held, and great formation landings. It was a long day for all and was after 1700 before we finished. Everyone hung in there. It is all of you that keep me coming back, given your commitment, dedication, and perseverance. Nicely done!”
Congratulations to all the participants!
The numbers:
10 Pilots attended with 6 aircraft
7 Pilots trained (5 are registered to attend the Oshkosh mass arrival)
3 Training flights
3 States represented
2 Countries represented
2 hours of classroom preparation
2 dedicated full-time safety pilots
1 Incredible host FBO and staff (thanks Safety In Motion!)
To our two dedicated safety pilots, Joe and George. Thank you! Without you, this doesn't happen. Both traveled to help, George got in his plane, waited, then filed IFR, and made it in time. Joe drove more than three hours the day before, simply to fly right seat as a safety pilot.
To FBO Safety In Motion, Olympia, thank you. Once again you tolerated our footprint on your space and operation with a warm welcome and accomodations.
Best regards,
Frank E. Hummel
To learn more about Safety In Motion Flight Center, CONTACT US!
Pilots who participated in the C2O Washington Clinic at Safety In Motion Flight Center in Olympia, WA