Safety in Motion Flight Center Hosts Cessnas to Oshkosh

This year Safety in Motion Flight Center had the honor of hosting the Cessnas 2 Oshkosh (C2O) event in Washington on May 22nd. Oshkosh is the nation’s largest fly-in event. 2022 Marks the 17th year since the first Cessnas 2 Oshkosh mass arrival. Clinics are held around the country to train pilots for this mass arrival at Wittman Airport to attend EAA Airventure.

This year 139 pilots from across the United States and Canada are registered to participate.

C2O’s mass arrival can be traced back to a group of pilots searching for a way to fly and spend time together. In the summer of 2005, a small group of Cessna owners led by Fred Johnson and Rodney Swanson met in the North 40 during the celebration of EAA AirVenture - Oshkosh to figure out a way to fly in, camp, and hang out together as a group under the wings of their airplanes.

These friends, all experienced pilots, concluded that the only sure way to accomplish these goals was to organize a mass arrival as it had been done by other groups like the Bonanzas to Oshkosh, the pioneers of the mass arrival movement, and the Mooney Caravan. This movement continues to grow, since C2O celebrated its first mass arrival in 2006, other groups like the Comanches to Oshkosh and the Cherokees to Oshkosh, have followed. You can learn more about C2O on their website HERE.

This group meets at our Olympia facility every year to discuss planning for the flights to Oshkosh and go on proficiency flights. A total of fifteen (15) pilots participated in different roles. Seven (7) pilots completed the training requirement to fly the mass arrival on July 23. Another five (5) pilots acted as safety pilots. Kudos to Host and Lead Pilot Frank Hummel for his leadership and hard work. Our thanks to him and to those who volunteered as safety pilots. Congratulations to all the participants!

To learn more about Safety In Motion Flight Center, CONTACT US!

Photo thanks to Frank Hummel, PNW C2O clinic day, May 21, 2022, Washington


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